Daily Musings — 5th March 2017
I saw an opposition MP in Russia proposed legalising football hooliganism.
The headline about the suggestion from Igor Lebedev originally had me shocked.
Then I saw what he was actually proposing. A group of fans can find another group of fans and take part in an organised brawl. I don’t think that is actually that bad. As long as the fights don’t involve anyone who doesn’t want to brawl and takes place somewhere were the venue owners have agreed, this may be a good alternative.
Fighting sports such as boxing and wrestling which have organised rules are watched by millions around the world and are lucrative industries. Nobody complains about that. Indeed, it actually sounds a lot similiar to Calcio Fiorentino, which involves playing football and all forms of mixed martial arts involving teams of 27.
As long as those fighting in the streets and with people who do not consent are punished, I do not see the issue. It is no different to other fighting sports. By taking part, you assume a risk of injury.
On the other side of the globe and in Homewood, Alabama, an elderly man was told to take down his Christmas decorations in a rather rude and disrespectful note.
This was to prevent people from crashing into his tree late at night. As a response of the note, several residents in the southern state, put up their decorations, a whole nine months early.
I don’t understand the point of the note. Unless the lights are detrimentally affecting you, I don’t see why you must get involved. It is his property as long as he is not harming himself or breaking the law, let him do what he wants. It is great to see the community sticking up for him.
Lastly, today I went for a haircut, not a cut so much, more a re-styling and neatening up. The dresser was closed. There’s another nearby, but when I went there in September they refused to cut mine. “We don’t do long hair” I was told, so I didn’t go there. I wouldn’t want to give my money to a business that has turned me away. I don’t understand why they wouldn’t cut long hair, it’s only long hair. It’s not harder to cut, there’s just more of it. Anyway I restyled it myself and I think it looks good and so do my friends. So all’s well that ends well, eh?